CWMP 2021 Year End Wrap Up

The Coastal Waters Monitoring Program is wrapping up the 2021 field season with their busiest year yet!  In 2021, the crew kicked off their field season with the addition of larval fish sampling. A substantial amount of temperature monitoring sites were introduced and water quality sampling was also enhanced.  The crew managed to maintain their regular field season of nearshore fish community assessment through setting fyke and seine nets. 

Collage of different fish in measuring instruments (title: 2021 Fish Abundance) Total Number of Fish Sampled: 196,135. Total Number of Individual Species: 52.Photo Collage of different fishing nets. Title: 2021 Netting Sites. Total number of larval tows: 117. Total Number of Fyke Nets: 30. Total Number of Seine Pulls: 11.Collage showing temp loggers both in water and out. Title: 2021 Temperature Loggers. Total loggers: 37. Over-Winter Loggers 20.