FPIC Conference 2018

FPIC Conference Vision Statement

As keepers of the land, First Nations People have cared for Turtle Island since time immemorial. As we move into the future, First Nations People will stand at the forefront of development, land use, mineral extraction and source water protection within our Territories; ensuring anything that occurs on First Nations land is done with respect, and in accordance with our laws and way of life. This conference is meant to reaffirm our ways and to incorporate Free, Prior and Informed Consent into business practices. 

Reminder for everyone that the Free and Prior Informed Consent Conference is approaching! The conference will be held October 24-26 in Blue Mountains, ON. If you are planning to attend, you have 10 more days to book your accommodations at a discounted rate. There is also a discount available on any flights booked via Air Canada for travel to the conference.  Visit empoweringourfuture.ca for more information.