Video Recording | February Land Claim Meetings

Map of Saugeen Ojibway Nation TreatiesIn order access the video recordings of the February Land Claim Meetings that took place in Saugeen and Nawash, you must first contact either Saugeen or Nawash band offices to obtain access passwords.

These videos are for members only and not the general public or media, so we want to make sure that only members have access.

Once you have your access codes:

  1. Go to

  2. You will then be asked for the first password.

  3. Type in password

  4. Select the video you would like to watch

  5. Then type in the appropriate password provided by the band office for either Nawash or Saugeen videos.

**Passwords all lower case and are case sensitive!




Saugeen Band Office                     Nawash Band Office
Toll Free: 1-800-680-0744                Phone:  (519) 534-1689
Phone: (519) 797-2781                        #135 Lakeshore Blvd.
6493 Highway 21,                                Neyaashiinigmiing, ON
R.R # 1                                                    N0H 2T0
Southampton, ON,
N0H 2L0